Your Guide to Solar Rebates

Don’t be conned into the advertising around saying “you can get Solar at no cost”.  

News flash - There’s no such thing as a free lunch.  

If it sounds too good to be true it usually is and this is the issue within the renewable energy sector. Everyone is out to make a quick buck at the expense of the consumer.  

Don’t be those people. The best advice we can give you, is to do your research. To read through to this point, means you’re already doing that so kudos goes out to you.

We’re here to give you the cold hard facts and give you the math for how much Solar will cost you even with Government Rebates.  

So how do rebates work and who is eligible?

Rebates apply to those who buy Solar from an accredited installer.  

Solar rebates were introduced after the Paris Accords in 2015, introduced to hit net 0 carbon emissions by 2030. To roll these rebates out, the Federal Government set rebates at the start of 2020 to reduce per year, to encourage consumers to switch to Solar sooner rather than later.  

This means each year the rebates become less and less.  

So what is a rebate exactly?

A rebate is an STC. STC stands for Small-scale Technology Certificate.

Every Solar system installed in Australia generates STCs which is the Government's way of subsidising the up-front cost of getting Solar installed.  

The Government will pay for some of the Solar installations and give it to the Solar company that does the installation. This way you are spending less up-front, and there is an incentive to get it installed for lesser cost.  

How to know you’re eligible for Solar rebates?

EVERY Solar installation in Australia is eligible for rebates and will generate STCs for the Solar provider you choose to go with.  

So long as the installation is carried out by a NETCC (New Energy Technology Consumer Code) formerly known as the CEC (Clean Energy Council) retailer and installer.  

NETCC standards enable the highest possible standards from retail through to installation via a minimum set criterion.  

If you have an existing solar system and want to add a second or third system, all freshly installed systems are eligible for the rebate as long as they are installed by a NETCC-accredited installer.  

Who keeps the rebates?

When you get a quote on a system you should see an indication of how much your rebate or STCs are worth. Your quote should say something like $4,000 with $2,000 in STCs.  

Instead of paying $6,000 and then eventually getting a refund of $2,000 from the government, your solar provider will charge you $4,000 and claim the rebate on your behalf.  

Therefore, the homeowner is never out of pocket more than they need to be and it reduces the up-front cost, making it a lot easier to get a system installed.  

Why do Rebates get reduced per year?

The number of STCs and their value changes each year. The rebate as it is now has been in Australia for over 10 years now and has already helped millions of homeowners switch to Solar for a much cheaper price.  

The STC program will not last forever, however. Every January the amount of STCs your system will generate reduces meaning the cost of Solar will gradually increase with less rebate value.  

This is to entice people to go solar sooner rather than later to ensure Australia can hit its Paris Accords Net 0 targets by 2030.  

How much is the rebate worth right now and how are they calculated?

A few variables are taken into consideration. STCs are firstly calculated on the system you're going to install on your home before the geographic location (zone) is taken into account before the installation date is determined. The below formula is then calculated:

Postcode zone Rating x Deeming period years x system size in KW = Number of STC created.

Australia's postcodes are segmented into zones, and each zone has been allocated a rating based on the amount of sunlight it receives. Darwin receives considerably more sunlight than Hobart and therefore has a higher rating.

Zone 1 - Eastern Queensland (excluding South-East Queensland) and Northern Territory
Zone 2 - Northern Western Australia, Central Northern Territory, Far Western Queensland, Far North South Australia, and Far North-West New South Wales
Zone 3 - South East Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Victoria, South Australia, and Southern Western Australia
Zone 4 - Southern Victoria, Tasmania and South Western Australia along the Nullabor Plain

Ratings per Zone:
1 - 1.622
2 - 1.536
3 - 1.382
4 - 1.185

It is easier to distinguish your STCs per your postcode, therefore when requesting a quote we ask for your postcode to calculate your STCs for you.

For example, a 9.9kW system purchased in NSW or QLD in 2023, 109 STCs will be generated. This means the value of the rebate is multiplied by $35 equating to $3,815.  

109 x $35 = $3,815

Each year sees a reduction of around $500 for the exact system.  

Get in quick to ensure you’re saving $500 per year before 2030. Each year is $500 more out of your pocket.  

Depending on your house, roof and power bill along with other varying factors to your home, you may be able to take advantage of the rebate to pay for a lot of upfront costs of getting solar installed.  

All these different factors and variables are best worked out on a case-by-case basis relative to your home and circumstances.  

AusPac Solar experts are trained professionals in this space and can take you through all the details to ensure you’re getting the best quality system for your home and your needs.

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The cost of getting Solar is increasing. But so is the cost of living.  

The only guaranteed way of ensuring you’re not affected by the surge in living costs is to go with renewable energy. Solar is at the front lines of cost savings for the home. You can save at least 90% on your energy costs with a Hybrid Solar system. If you can afford your bills now, you can easily afford to go Solar.

At the end of the day, the entire population of Australia that pays power bills CAN afford Solar. Solar is not unaffordable. The misconception regarding spending thousands of dollars to acquire solar is not real. It's a myth.  

With AusPac you can get Solar for $34 per week and not have to pay a cent towards your energy company. In fact, with a hybrid system, you can slash your bills and MAKE money from your system when selling excess energy back to the grid, to your supplier.  

It’s time for Solar. Speak to us today to arrange an appointment.