The assurance of enjoying a solar system with extended longevity

When you bring Solar into your energy lifestyle for either your home, farm or business, it should never be viewed as a once off purchase, thats put on the roof and forgotton about. Solar must be viewed as an investment. With this viewpoint, your Solar System will yield high returns over a long period of time.

To ensure this happens, AusPac Solar sees the importance in both the After Sales and Maintenance side of your Solar Investment.

Below, we have a range of Maintenance Packages that cater to everyones needs. If you are looking for something more personalised, then please feel free to reach out and talk with the team about this.

Pricing plans

AusPac Solar Maintenance Packages

If your looking for a longer term committment, Auspac Solar offers 10% of the monthly bill for customers who commit to a 2 Year Contract

2 Year Contract
Save Up To 10%
Daily Remote Monitoring Package
$88.00/month Inc.GST
*Automatically deducted from your Credit Card each month
Daily Remote Monitoring by our Auspac Solar Service Department

Daily Monitoring will ensure Faults are noticed immediately

Once a fault is noticed, an Auspac Solar technician can be quick to organise what is required to address the fault. Commonly, these faults can either fall under the Workmanship Warranty or Product Manufacturer Warranty.

With your warranties working for you, your system will have less downtime thus reflecting a higher saving on your quarterly electricity bill.

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Daily Remote Monitoring + Site Inspection Package
$132.00/month Inc.GST
*Automatically deducted from your Credit Card each month
Daily Remote Monitoring by our Auspac Solar Service Department
2 x Site Visits annually to visually inspect and provide minor servicing to the different components of the Solar System. A Service Report will also be provided.

Daily Monitoring will ensure Faults are noticed immediately

Site Visits will add a second layer of defence to ensure the Solar System is kept in Perfect Working Order

A combined approach will mean that any damages or faults can be rectified under the Various Waranties from your Solar Purchase.

With your Warranties working for you, your system will have less downtime thus reflecting a higher saving on your quarterly electricity bill.

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Daily Remote Monitoring + Site Inspection + System Clean Package
$180.00/month Inc.GST
*Automatically deducted from your Credit Card each month
Daily Remote Monitoring by our Auspac Solar Service Department
2 x Site Visits annually to visually inspect and provide minor servicing to the different components of the Solar System. A Service Report will also be provided.
2 x Solar Panel Cleans Annually

Daily Monitoring will ensure Faults are noticed immediately

Site Visits will add a second layer of defence to ensure the Solar System is kept in Perfect Working Order

Solar Panel cleans will remove any dust or dirt that has built up which effects the production of the Solar Production

A combined approach will mean that any damages or faults can be rectified under the Various Waranties from your Solar Purchase and that the system is running at peak performance.

With your Warranties working for you, your system will have less downtime thus reflecting a higher saving on your quarterly electricity bill.

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Your System is Above 20kW
Request a custom package for your maintenance
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